Secularism and Beyond

Michael Hoelzl ("Silete theologi: Two concepts of normative secularization in the work of Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt") and Graham Ward ("Postsecularity or the Changing Structures of Believing?") will be speaking at Secularism and Beyond, Copenhagen University, May 29th to June 1st 2007. Here's a brief abstract from the conference website:
The relationship between religion and politics has attracted increased interest in public as well as academic discourse, especially within the humanities, legal studies and social sciences. The dominant way of conceiving this relationship in the Western world is through the lens of secularism. In that sense, the conception of secularism is the focal point for studying and analysing the relationship between religion, politics, law and public life and the separation of the public as a distinct sphere different from and independent of religion and a religious sphere.