LTI Newslettter Winter 2008

Welcome to the Winter 08 issue of the Institute’s newsletter, with its rather different look. This one-off change in the format of the newsletter is, I trust, some indication of the vitality of the Institute as it addresses the issues of religion, identity and the future.
Our May conference ‘Church, Identity/ies and Postcolonialism’ is, we believe, the first of its kind in Britain, and will take place shortly before the Lambeth conference 2008, thus responding to the challenge to make links between postcolonial theory, post- colonial theological scholarship and colonial Anglican history. We are also planning to host a conversation on postcolonial theology at the Lambeth conference itself.
The LTI’s latest research project ‘Future Ethics’, being taken forward most ably by its researcher Stefan Skrimshire, has attracted a great deal of attention in the academy and beyond. Clearly, it taps into an important contemporary concern and yet also clarifies and brings into better focus questions about crisis, change, hope and future. Click here to read more...