Engaging Society: Reassessing Anglican Social Ethics (6-8 Sept, 2010)

An international conference open to all at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield, West Yorkshire WF14 OBW, 6th-8th September 2010, and sponsored by the Christian journal of social ethics, Crucible.
The recent publication of The Children Society’s report A Good Childhood has provided a contemporary example of an older approach to social issues in which faith communities interact with specialists in different field and arrive at policy recommendations which are general enough to receive widespread support while specific enough to make an impact on government and churches, who must work out the detail of how to put them into practice (in the past these policy recommendations have been called ‘middle axioms’). This was the approach brought to prominence by William Temple in his highly influential Christianity and Social Order of 1942. It also found expression in Faith in the City, the influential report of 1985. The publication of A Good Childhood suggests that this approach still has mileage. Is this the case?
Main speakers: Richard Harries; Frank Field MP; Anna Rowlands; Stephen Platten; Robin Lovin; John Atherton; Chris Stuart; Malcolm Brown
Short papers are invited. Please submit proposals to Stephen Spencer at Stephen@ymc.org.uk
The conference will start at 4pm on Monday 6th September, and will run to lunchtime on Wednesday 8th. The cost will be £120 for the full conference; to attend lectures and lunch and dinner will cost £60; to attend lectures only will cost £30. More information from Stephen Spencer at Stephen@ymc.org.uk
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