
The University of Manchester
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
Samuel Alexander Building, WG16
Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
Phone: +44 (0)161 275 3064



Embodied Everyday

Click here to view 'Filled to the Brim', a booklet and outcome of the above project, led by Dr Wren Radford.

Blog Topics

Entries in Doctoral Seminars (5)



Two postgraduate seminars are being organised which all Religions and Theology postgraduate students are very welcome to attend. For more information, please see poster.  


Winter 2010 Doctoral Seminar

This coming week we'll be hosting our next doctoral seminar. Paper topics are listed below. Click here for a PDF of abstracts. 

  • Apocalypse and Forgetting in Russell T. Davies’ Doctor Who, by Andy Crome
  • Martyn on Galatians 3:27-8 by Steven Mcbay
  • The Problem of ‘Religious Experience’ with Reference to Soren Kierkegaard and Muhammad Iqbal by Sevcan Mirik
  • Imagining the End of History with Hegel by Clare Greer
  • Derrida and Supplementary Writing by Mohsen Ghasemi
  • The Ideologised Middle by Theodros Teklu
  • Metz on Dangerous Memory by Kyle Gingerichhiebert
  • Educating for Tolerance, Remembering to Forget by Ruth Hadley




Autumn 2009 Doctoral Seminar

This academic year's first doctoral seminar (PDF) met this past week, and thanks are due to all who participated. Here's a list of topics discussed: 

  • Laodicean Rhetoric in 17th Century Church Reform
  • A Reflection on the Book “The Wounded Researcher”
  • Re-investigating Paul’s “Powers”
  • The Intolerance of Tolerance
  • “Ethnic Religion”: Hervieu-Leger and the Study of Religious and National Identities
  • The Politics of Religious Institutions in Lebanon
  • Representation in Hegel
  • A Review Carl Schmitt’s, The Concept of the Political
  • Reconciling Schmitt and Metz
  • Cacophony in Rights Discourse: Contrasting Agamben and Benhabib



Spring 2009 Doctoral Seminar

This coming Wednesday, 27 May, we will be hosting our last doctoral seminar for this academic year. Please click here for a PDF with further details of time, location, the abstracts and short bios of the students involved. This time, we will address the question, "What constitutes otherness?" from the various philosophical, theological and socio-political perspectives being researched by doctoral students associated with the Centre for Religion and Political Culture. Paper topics include Dostoyevski's Demons, a critique of Milbank's recent discussion of Hegel in the Monstrocity of Christ, Bishop Ting's understanding of distinctive "Chinese Christianity," an analysis of Carl Schmitt and Mau Tse-tung's understanding of the friend enemy distinction, the concept of otherness in relation to effective action research, and myth-making as the boundary-defining mechanism in the formation of national identity and the politics of memory. Lastly, if you're interested in participating in future seminars, we will kick off the next academic year and welcome new students to the Centre in October 2009.


Winter 2009 Doctoral Seminar

Wordle representation of the seminar abstractsThis coming February, we're hosting our first doctoral seminar for students at the CRPC and some of its affiliated centres here at the University of Manchester. This will be a relatively informal chance for everyone to share current research interests and make new connections both relationally and intellectually. For further details on the kinds of research taking place at the CRPC, we've posted two PDFs which list the abstracts as well as short biographies of those attending. Short bios are also available in our study here pages in the menu bar above.