LTI Newsletter Summer 2008

Welcome to the Summer 2008 issue of the Institute’s newsletter, with its reports on LTI’s activities during this springtime. Elsewhere in this newsletter, you will find a report on our May conference “Church, Identity/ies and Postcolonialism”, which was a great success, and was widely reported in the church media. Plans to take this work forward are emerging, and already a decision has been taken to stage a further conference, in partnership with the United Theological College, Bangalore, in January 2010.
Furthermore, the first in LTI’s series of workshops, Future Ethics, was held in June. There is a report on the project in this newsletter and there is much more information on the Institute’s website. Suffice it to say that this was an extraordinary event, bringing together people who do not usually engage in a common conversation. You can access video clips from the day and much more besides from the Institute’s website, too... click here to read more.