New book: Cyborg Theology

LTI's Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dr Scott Midson, has published a book based on his doctoral research undertaken at the University of Manchester. The book, published by I.B.Tauris, is titled Cyborg Theology: Humans, Technology and God.
In the book, Midson takes Donna Haraway's line about cyborgs not recognising Eden as a starting point for exploring the wider theological and cultural significance of Eden for appeals to notions of nature and human nature. Cyborgs, as representative figures for deep the sense of connectedness between organisms - typically humans - and machines, can prompt fresh theological perspectives that take heed of theological traditions. At the same time theological anthropology can cast light on the spiritual nuances of the cyborg figure for our understandings of our technocultural worlds.
The book is available on Amazon.
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